Seafood and Mercury - What to Eat and What to Avoid!

Seafood and Mercury - What to Eat and What to Avoid!

Fish and other seafood are an excellent source of protein, micronutrients and omega 3’s and are some of the healthiest foods you can eat.


Some types of fish, however, you must eat only occasionally as they contain high levels of mercury. Mercury is toxic and has been linked to serious health problems.

The concentration of mercury found in seafood is dependent on the species, as well as the level of environmental pollution they live in. In general, the larger fish, who live the longest, contain the highest levels of mercury.  This is due to their eating of smaller fish, who absorb the toxic element from eating sea plants that have accumulated it. Mercury is not easily eliminated from the fishes (or a humans) body and its accumulation over time is when problems arise.

Mercury poisoning is well known for its effects on the neurological system. Too much mercury in a diet can cause headaches, fatigue, irritability, memory problems, numbness and tremors. An accumulation of mercury can cause advanced poisoning with symptoms such as lack of coordination, muscle weakness, nerve loss in hands and face, vision changes, trouble walking, as well as auditory and vocal difficulties.

Heavy metals accumulate in the body, and the longer poisoning exists, the harder the process will be to rid the body of them and their effects.There are options for ridding your body of heavy metals depending on the level of toxicity. If you have mild toxicity, some foods can help you detox, as they bind to the metals and eliminate them through the digestive process.

These foods include:

🌱Lemon water



🌱Wild blueberries




🌱Green tea


🌱Probiotics and fermented foods

For higher toxicity levels, treatment can be intense and should be monitored by a health professional. To schedule a consult click here!